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chronic diseases
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Premature Ejaculation

Kidneys and urinary bladder are the organs which govern the sexual activity. Kidney stores the essence of life bestowed on individual by nature at the time of birth The Yang aspect of energy (Hot energy)refers to life energy, sexual desire and sexual activity whereas Yin aspect of energy(Cold energy)refers to life essence and endurance. Any weakness in these energy levels cuase symptoms of sexual weakness and dysfunctions. Here are given some examples.

Kidney Yin Deficient
* Energy better after rest and at night, quickly exhausted. * Small and weak bones, easily fractures, caries. Short menstrual cycles, repeated miscarriages, short erection. * Dryness, little and concentrated urine. Osteoporosis, nerve atrophy, general hot pains in joints. * Tinnitus, selective deafness, otosclerosis. * Loss of hair, thin and brittle hair. * Active fear, fear causes physical symptoms of hyperactivity. * Salty food is beneficial to hold water in body, but causes hardening of arteries, not suitable in patients with cardiac or Blood pressure problems. * If Yin deficiency is severe, feels cold in the interior, improves after eating or sleep.
Kidney Yang Deficient
* Problems with starting the day, energy better at noon and in warm weather. * Short, slow growing, lazy. * Long menstrual cycles, infertility, amenorrhoea, poor erection. * Increased night urination. * Generalized cold pain in joints with coldness. * Nerve deafness. * Limp and dull hair, greys early. * Phobia, passive fear, can faint or urinate involuntarily. * Likes sky blue and pastel grey. * Craves salty foods, can be consumed when no Water retention. * Cold inside and outside, sometimes they do not feel their feet are cold, but can be icy to touch, improves with exercise.
Kidney Both Yin and Yang Deficient
* Always tired, better at 3–7 pm. * Short and under-developed. * Irregular cycles, infertility, premature ejaculation. * Frequent urination, excessive thirst, dryness. * Osteoporosis, pain in joints all the time. * Chronic deafness with tinnitus. * Both Yin, Yang deficient symptoms. * Always in fear of unknown causes. * Like all shades of blue and black. * Craves salty foods, may have oedema in the ankles. Salty food can be taken if it does not increase the oedema. * Cold all the time, inside and outside. The feet however, feel sometimes hot and sometimes cold.
Kidney Hyperactive Yang
* Very energetic for short periods, very active, better at night . * Grows very fast and weak, small bones, fractures. * Short cycles with excessive bleed, repeated miscarriages, short erection . * Acute Kidney colic, acute pyelo-nephritis. * Acute relapse of rheumatoid arthritis, hot pains with feverishness. * Acute ear infection, tinnitus. * Hair loss and thinning, brittle hair. * Mostly fearless, in an acute state could be panicky. * Feels calmer in deep blue or at night. * Dislikes salty food. * Feels cold inside (especially the bones) and hot outside, ascending heat.
Kidney Hyperactive Yin
* Takes a long time to get active, worse after rest and in wet weather. * Short with large joints and heavy bones. * Long cycles with dysmenorrhoea before period, cannot get pregnant, poor erection. * Chronic impairment of Kidney function, oedema and less urine. * Generalized damp pain in joints with oedema, stiffness. * Blocked ear, Meniere’s syndrome. * Greasy, dull and limp hair, greys early. * Passive even when not feeling fearful, more passive when feeling fearful, argues why they are right. * Greys and deep blues make them feel as if under water, dislike. * Craves salty food, not to be taken because of the oedema. * Cold and wet, in the lower part of the body.
Stagnation of Fluids
* Takes a long time to get active, worse after rest and in wet weather. * Short with large joints and heavy bones. * Long cycles with dysmenorrhoea before period, cannot get pregnant, poor erection. * Chronic impairment of Kidney function, oedema and less urine. * Generalized damp pain in joints with oedema, stiffness. * Blocked ear, Meniere’s syndrome. * Greasy, dull and limp hair, greys early. * Passive even when not feeling fearful, more passive when feeling fearful, argues why they are right. * Greys and deep blues make them feel as if under water, dislike. * Craves salty food, not to be taken because of the oedema. * Cold and wet, in the lower part of the body.
Urinary Bladder Hyperactive Yang
* Same as hyperactive Kidney Yang. * Yang pain in back, weak back. * Short cycles with dysmenorrhoea during bleed, repeated miscarriages. * Acute cystitis, nervous and frequent, little urination. * Acute backache with sciatica, worse with movement. * Loss of hair especially on occiput. * Same as Kidney hyperactive Yang. * Likes deep blue and black. * Dislikes salt. * Backache worsens with activity, Bladder inflammation with overwork.
Urinary Bladder Hyperactive Yang
* Same as stagnation in Kidney. * Damp pain in back, stiff back, oedema . * Uterus fibroids, hypertrophy of prostate, long menstrual cycle, endometriosis. * Urine retention in bladder with no urge or poor elimination. * Damp pain in the back, worse at the start of movement, pressure pain on sciatic nerve. * Likes sky blue and light grey. * Craves salt, should be avoided. * Backache worsens with rest and cold Bladder infection with exposure to cold. Urinary Bladder Hyperactive Yang

The treatment plan is obviously balancing the energy levels and curing the ailment.

Homeopathic Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

2 agar, 2 agn, 1 alco, 2 alum, 1 alum-p, 1 am-c, 1 ambr, 2 anac, 1 anil, 2 ant-c, 1 ant-o, 1 aq-mar, 1 arg, 2 arg-n, 2 arn, 1 ars, 1 ars-i, 1 arum-d, 1 aur, 1 aur-i, 1 aur-s, 1 aven, 1 ba-sv, 3 BAR-C, 1 bar-i, 1 bar-s, 1 bart, 1 bell-p, 1 benz-d, 1 berb, 1 bor, 2 bufo, 1 buth-aust, 3 CALAD, 3 CALC, 1 calc-i, 3 CALC-S, 2 camph, 1 cann-i, 1 cann-s, 1 caps, 1 carb-ac, 1 carb-an, 1 carb-v, 1 carbn-s, 1 carc, 1 card-m, 2 caust, 1 cere-s, 3 CHIN, 1 chin-s, 1 chlol, 1 chlor, 1 cinnam, 1 clem, 2 cob, 2 coc-c, 1 coch, 1 cod, 2 coff, 1 coloc, 3 CON, 1 corn, 1 cortico, 1 cot, 1 crot-h, 1 croto-t, 1 cub, 1 dam, 1 dig, 1 dios, 1 dol, 1 dulc, 1 elaps, 1 ery-a, 1 ery-m, 1 eug, 1 eup-pur, 1 euph, 1 fab, 2 ferr, 1 ferr-i, 1 ferr-m, 1 ferr-p, 2 fl-ac, 1 gast, 2 gels, 1 gins, 1 glyc, 2 graph, 1 halo, 2 ham, 2 hell, 1 helon, 2 hep, 1 hydr, 1 hydrc, 1 hyos, 2 hyper, 1 ign, 2 iod, 1 kali-bi, 2 kali-br, 1 kali-c, 1 kali-i, 2 kali-p, 1 kali-s, 1 kreos, 2 lach, 1 lact, 1 lappa, 1 lath, 2 lec, 1 levo, 3 LYC, 1 lyss, 1 m-aust, 2 mag-c, 3 MED, 1 meny, 2 merc, 1 merc-n, 1 morph, 2 mosch, 1 mur-ac, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 2 nat-p, 2 nit-ac, 2 nuph, 2 nux-m, 3 NUX-V, 1 oci-s, 1 onis, 2 onos, 2 op, 1 orch, 1 ox-ac, 1 oxyt, 1 pall, 1 perh, 1 petr, 2 ph-ac, 1 phase, 3 PHOS, 2 phyt, 2 pic-ac, 1 plan, 2 plb, 1 polyg, 2 psor, 2 puls, 1 rhod, 1 rhodi, 1 rhodi-o-n, 1 ruta, 2 sabad, 2 sabal, 1 sabin, 2 salx-n, 1 saroth, 1 scut, 1 sec, 3 SEL, 3 SEP, 1 sil, 1 sin-a, 1 sin-n, 1 spong, 2 stann, 2 staph, 1 stram, 2 stry, 1 sul-ac, 1 sul-i, 3 SULPH, 1 sumb, 1 syc-co, 2 syph, 1 tab, 1 teucr, 1 thal, 1 thala, 1 ther, 2 thuj, 1 trib, 1 tus-p, 2 uran-n, 1 ust, 2 yohim, 1 zinc, 1 zinc-p

Acupuncture points for Premature Ejaculation

magnet Therapy for Premature Ejaculation

High power under palms
Crescent magnets on both side of nose

Color Therapy for Premature Ejaculation

Green + White water empty stomach
Orange water after meals

Food Recommendations for Premature Ejaculation

Hydrotherapy for Premature Ejaculation

مردانہ امراض میں سب سے زیادہ مریض سرعت انزال کی شکایت کرتے ہیں ۔ سرعت انزال ایک ایسی بیماری ہے جا میں مردانہ جنسی فعل کا وقفہ انتہائی کم ہو جاتا ہے۔ جنسی کمزوری یا سرعت انزال کا مرض اس وقت لاحق ہوتا ہے جب یا تو جنسی اعضائ میں کمزوری ہو یا پھر جسم کے کسی عضو یا سسٹم میں کمزوری ہو۔ نارمل جنسی فعل اس بات کی علامت ہے کہ آپ کی صحت اچھی ہے اور کوئی صحت کی پیچیدگی نہیں ہے۔ لیکن اگر آپ جنسی طور پر کمزور ہیں تو یہ اس بات کی علامت ہے کہ جسم کے کسی نہ کسی حصے میں بیماری یا کمزوری موجود ہے۔ اس بیماری یا کمزوری کی تشخیص کئے بغیر جنسی طاقت کی ادویات استعمال کرنا اپنے جسم کیساتھ ظلم کرنے کے مترادف ہے۔ اور اس کام میں حکیم حضرات اور ایلوپیتھی ڈاکٹر صاحبان پیش پیش ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر حضرات ویاگرا یا سیالس جیسی ادویات استعمال کرواتے ہیں جبکہ حکیم صاحبان کسی نہ کسی شکل میں افیون کا استعمال کرواتے ہیں یا پھر کشتہ جات کا استعمال ہوتا ہے جو فائدہ کم اور نقصان زیادہ کرتا ہے۔ یہ وقتی یا فوری افاقہ انتہائی مہلک ہوتا ہے۔ مختلف جسمانی اعضائ کی توانائی کو کھینچ کر جنسی فعل کو طول دینے سے دل، دماغ، جگر اور خاص طور پر گردے کمزور ہو جاتے ہیں۔ جنسی طاقت کا خزانہ گردوں میں محفوظ ہوتا ہے۔ جسمانی توانائی جسے ہم قوت حیات کہتے ہیں گرم اور سرد توانائیوں پر مشتمل ہوتی ہے۔ گرم اور سرد توانائی کے توازن کا نام صحت ہے۔ جیسے ہی گرم اور سرد توانائیوں کے درمیان توازن بگڑتا ہے صحت خراب ہو جاتی ہے۔ جنسی حوالے سے گردے کی گرم توانائی جنسی خواہش پیدا کرتی ہے جبکہ سرد توانائی جنسی فعل کا دورانیہ بڑھاتی ہے یعنی امساک پیدا کرتی ہے۔ اگر کسی شخص میں گردے کی گرم توانائی زیادہ ہو تو اسکی جنسی خواہش بڑھی ہوئی ہو گی۔ اور اس میں بڑھاپے کے اثرات جلد ظاہر ہو جائیں گے۔ مریض کچھ دیر کیلئے اپنے اندر توانائی محسوس کرتا ہے اور پھر جلدی تھک جاتا ہے۔ جسم میں خشکی ہوتی ہے اور پیشاب کم آتا ہے۔ ہڈیاں کمزور ہو جاتی ہیں۔ رات کے وقت آرام کرنے سے افاقہ ہوتا ہے۔ اگر کسی شخص میں گردے کی ٹھنڈی توانائی بڑھی ہو تو مریض صبح کیوقت سست ہوتا ہے۔ سورج کے ساتھ ساتھ بہتر ہو جاتا ہے اور دوپہر تک مکمل توانا محسوس کرتا ہے ۔ سست اور کاہل ہوتا ہے۔ اور ایستادگی کمزور ہوتی ہے یا کم ہوتی ہے۔ رات کو پیشاب زیادہ آتا ہے۔ اگر کسی شخص میں گرم اور سرد دونوں توانائیاں کم ہو جائیں تو مریض ہر وقت تھکا تھکا محسوس کرتا ہے۔ صرف شام ۳ سے ۷ بجے کا وقت اس کیلئے کچھ بہتر ہوتا ہے۔ اور یہی وہ مریض ہیں جو سرعت انزال کا شکار ہو جاتے ہیں۔ گرم اور سرد توانائیاں جسم کے اعضائ میں حرکت پذیر رہتی ہیں مثلاً اگر معدہ کمزور ہو گا تو گردے کو توانائی کم ملے گی یا اگر پھیپھڑوں کی توانائی کم ہو گی تو بھی گردے کی توانائیاں کم ہو جائیں گی اور جنسی کمزوری اور سرعت انزال کی کیفیت پیدا ہو جائے گی۔ آ کوپنکچر سائنس میں توانائیوں کے توازن کو کمپیوٹر کی مدد سے ناپا جاتا ہے جس سے حتمی تشخیص ہو جاتی ہے اور بیماری کی اصل وجوہات کا پتہ چل جاتا ہے۔ پھر بغیر کسی دوا کے استعمال سے آ کوپنکچرعلاج کے ذریعے توانائیوں کے اس توازنکو درست کر دیا جاتا ہے اور مریض صحت یاب ہو جاتا ہے۔ اپنی مرض کی تشخیص اور علاج کیلئے آپ اس نمبر پت رابطہ کر سکتے ہیں

Conditions We Treat

chronic diseases

Acne is inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Androgens cause .....

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Allergies are idiosyncrasy to some internal or external stimulus. Allergy can ..

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chronic diseases

Alzheimer is old age problem. Its symptoms, nature and severity vary ..

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chronic diseases

Angina is a typical chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. ....

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chronic diseases

Constant apprehension, tension, fear, worries, problems seem ......

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chronic diseases

Rheumatic or joint pains can be acute or chronic. In acute joint diseases, .....

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Asthma is a chronic lung disease presenting chest congestion, dyspnoea, ..

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Although a symptom back pain can be as simple as fatigue or as complicated..

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Breast cancer

Breast cancer is becoming a very common disease in Pakistan. In Asia Pakistan ha

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chronic diseases

Renal calculi may be either silent or extremely painful. Pain from the renal ...

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Cancer is a quickly spreading disease in Pakistan. Among many ....

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Candidiasis is actually fungal infection which can be manifested in any part ...

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chronic diseases
Carpal T Syndrome

Median Nerve supplying hand gets compressed as it pass through the wrist....

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Cholestrol is needed by the body. But unnecessary high of cholesterol is not ...

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chronic diseases

Cataract is the clouding of the lens in the eyes which leads to a decrease in ..

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chronic diseases
Chronic Fatigue

If you feel continuously tired for more than six months, you must consult the...

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chronic diseases

Constipation is the mother of all diseases. Bad living habits and bad eating ...

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chronic diseases
Crohn's Disease

It is basically an inflammatory condition of intestines. Usual symptoms

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chronic diseases

Dandruff is a condition which causes the skin on the scalp to flake...

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chronic diseases

Depression is considered to be a mood disorder. It is described as feelings ....

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Dermatitis is a general condition of skin irritation. Dermatitis has many ......

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chronic diseases

Diabetes mellitus is not a disease but includes variety of disorders of meta....

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chronic diseases

Diarrhoea signifies evacuation of watery or unformed stools accom....

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chronic diseases
Ear Infection

Ear infection usually reffer to Middle ear infection and chronic discharge......

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chronic diseases

Eczema is a skin condition characterized by itching, dryness of skin, Rough.....

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chronic diseases

Endometriosis is the uterine tissue growth outside the uterus which usually is..

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chronic diseases
Eye Diseases

Many of the eye diseases have no early symptoms. Usually painless conditions

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chronic diseases
Female Sexual

Female Sexual dysfunction can be of many types. It can be low sexual desire..

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chronic diseases

Fibroids are noncancerous tumors of smooth muscle cells and fibrous...

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chronic diseases

Fibromyalgia is widespread muscle and bony pains characterized by fatigue, .....

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chronic diseases
Flu and Cold

Although Flu, Cold and Catarrh are different but their symptoms are similar.....

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chronic diseases

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the flowing back of stomach acid .....

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chronic diseases

Actually Glaucoma is a group of eye symptoms that damage the optic nerve, ......

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chronic diseases

Gout is a very common but complex form of joint disease that can affect at...

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chronic diseases

Hay fever is also called allergic rhinitis, producing cold-like signs and symp..

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chronic diseases

Headache is a common ailment or symptom but from mild head congestion..

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chronic diseases

Heartburn is usually a symtom of acidity and indigestion in which a ....

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chronic diseases

Enlargement (varicosity) of the haemorrhoidal veins, which are situate...

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chronic diseases

The elevation of systolic and diastolic pressures above the normal is ....

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chronic diseases

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a common problem which a male...

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chronic diseases

Indigestion is either pain or discomfort in the stomach (dyspepsia) or burning

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chronic diseases

Infertility or sterility is not being able to get pregnant despite having .....

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chronic diseases
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder that affects the large intestine.

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chronic diseases

Insomnia is a disorder from which one though sleepy, is unable to sleep, ..

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chronic diseases
Kidney Stones

Kidney stones (also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis)....

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chronic diseases
Kidney Failure

Kidney failure occurs when kidneys lose their ability to sufficiently filter....

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chronic diseases
Lung Cancer

Lung cancer as the name indicates is in the lungs. Lungs are two spongy ....

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chronic diseases
Male Infertility

Male inability to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. 40-50% of infertility

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Memory Loss

Memory gets weak with age but if it an early sign of memory loss then it is....

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chronic diseases
Meniere's Disease

This is a chronic disease of the labrynth in which paroxysmal attacks of ...

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Menopause or climaxis is the time in a woman's life when her period stops....

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Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps are crampy pains in the lower part of the abdomen before or...

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Migraine is characterized by intense headaches aggravated by light or sound...

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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a potentially disabling disease of the central nervous....

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Sprain and Strains

There is a difference between a sprain and a strain. Strain is an injury to.....

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chronic diseases

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease with reduction in bones(too little bone) ....

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This is suppuration in the middle ear which is the source of all chronic .....

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Pancreas is a large gland behind the stomach close to the first part of the....

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chronic diseases
Prostate Hypertrophy

Prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. ...

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Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder cuasing chorea, jerking, shaking, ....

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chronic diseases
Peptic Ulcer

This is the ulceration of the gastro-intestinal tract due to the combined .....

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Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of physical, emotional, and .....

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chronic diseases

Psoriasis is a common condition of sharply marginated reddened ...

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chronic diseases
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can be defined as a chroniic polyarthritis affecting ...

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This is an acute infection of the posterior root ganglion by a neurotropic ....

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Inflammation of the lining of the nasal sinuses (hollow space or cavities) .....

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chronic diseases
Skin Diseases

Skin diseases are of many times. By physical examination of the skin, it ...

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Stress and React is a normal human body reaction. Stressors i.e stress

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chronic diseases

Paralysis, or palsy, is a condition in which there is loss of motion, to a ...

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chronic diseases

Tinnitus is when one experiences ringing or other noises in one or both ears...

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The tonsils are two almond shaped glandular organs situated one on each side...

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Trigeminal Neuralgia

This is a disorder confined to paroxysms of intense pain in the distribution ...

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chronic diseases
Ulcerative Collitis

This is a disturbance of colon function in the absence of organic disease

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chronic diseases
Urinary Incontinence

The Detrusor urinae loses its power to contract, and in consequence the urine...

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chronic diseases

UTI (Urinary tract infection) begins in the urethra with the entry of micro....

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chronic diseases

Leucoderma (Vitiligo) is a defect of pigmentation in which DOPA positive .....

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chronic diseases

A wart is a circumscribed, hard, papullar appearance on the skin, present at ..

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chronic diseases

Whitlow or Run around is generally seated immediately around and ...

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chronic diseases

Obesity and overweight are the most common pathological conditions in our ..

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chronic diseases

Short height? Being looked down upon? Don't worry. We have got the solution...

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chronic diseases
Erectile Dysfunction

Kidneys and urinary bladder are the organs which govern the sexual...

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chronic diseases
Premature Ejaculation

Kidneys and urinary bladder are the organs which govern the sexual...

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chronic diseases
Breast Lumps

Breast lumps are common and can be self assessed. Lumps feel different from...

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